Sunday, October 28, 2007

Seven Conditions for the Sangha

Assemble at one place frequently and continue the habitual gathering.
Perform the prescribed duties together as the members of the Sangha.
Adhere to rules prescribed by the state and observe discipline.
Respect, honour, and make offering to the elders, and listen to them.
Protect the dignity of women.
Observe the national code of ethics.
Ensure respect to religious teachers and look after their comfort.
The Buddha asked for observance of these rules for householders or laity. These words have been proclaimed by the Buddha. If these principles and rules are followed, one can lead a peaceful life and attain prosperity. Observance of these rules will be helpful in the advancement towards Nibbana, the supreme bliss of Buddhism.
Sabbe sattva sukhita hontu -- may all beings be happy.

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